Classic 2D image processing

Includes developments for clearly definable features such as measurement, precise localisation for handling robots, recognition of shapes and edges, as well as evaluations using histograms.

Searching for patterns

In conventional image processing, rule-based algorithms are used to search for patterns. These conventional applications, such as the "blob tool" (search for contiguous pixels), the histogram tool (evaluation of the grey scale or colour scale distribution) or the simple pattern tool allow the parameters to be precisely adjusted to the corresponding vision application. Classic image processing also includes the reading of 1D or 2D codes (data matrix and QR codes).

The goal defines the method

Images can be captured in two ways: via area scan or line scan. Each image method provides special properties. 

  • The area scan is used when the inspection feature or object is visible in the entire field of view of the camera.
  • The line scan captures the image line by line and requires the input of an encoder. It is used especially for fast or long objects where high-resolution image quality is required.
aerne engineering has extensive experience in the application of these methods and has already implemented numerous successful vision applications. The selection of the appropriate method depends on the requirements of the optical inspection system. Our vision solutions product range is designed to cover virtually all tasks.